Thursday, February 16, 2012

Prepare Yourself!

There!  Now you know my secret...I have the most cluttered teacher closet EVER!  You really can't even walk in there!  I know, I know, it's bad.  This is actually after a little sprucing up too... 
Scary right!  Well now you know why I truly needed to join in on the clutter-free classroom challenge

I took this other picture to redeem myself in your eyes.  This is 1/2 of my classroom library.  The rest of my classroom really is organized I promise!  I just happen to shove everything that I don't want my students, parents, fellow teachers, administration to see in the closet...Quite frankly after these pictures hit the internet I want to shove myself in the closet...or in this hot-spring...
I started to declutter the closet too.  So soon I shall reveal my after pictures...or at least some evidence that there has been improvement....
                                                                    Clutter-Free Classroom