Monday, January 2, 2012

Current state of affairs ~ the Daily 4

Right now my lovely group of fifth graders has worked up to a modified Daily 4. If you haven't heard about e Daily 5 please go to either the Daily 5 website or this swap n share. The swap n share site has some AWESOME resources for the daily 5 and cafe as well as helpful getting started stuff. There is a ton of stuff for the upper grades version of the daily 5 and cafe which is hard to find usually. day looks like this right now. I call the kids to the floor for a read aloud for 15 minutes, then a 15 minute skill lesson. Then the kiddos break into their groups of either the word work, read with someone, or computer centers. We do three 15 minute rotations so my kids get to do each center each day. Then we go back to the floor for a refresher of the skill and reminder of the journal entry. Finally, they break into a read to self with journal response for 25 minutes.

My kids sign up for their centers on a long piece of construction paper that I have written each of the center elements on it along with blanks for their names. Then I expertly covered the piece of construction paper with CLEAR CONTACT PAPER while it was on the wall! And bam, instant laminated daily 5 check in poster.

I took a picture and was all hyped about uploading it but apparently the blog hates my iPad pictures.... I will attempt to upload pictures later.

Until then feel free to post what you're doing with your kids or questions about what I'm doing with mine!

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